Wednesday, 19 May 2021



Today I am writing my last post of this learning diary. These months have flown by... The classes have been intense, even though they were just two per week I felt engaged and wanting to learn as much as I could. The resources and tools we have learnt about are diverse, useful and engaging, so I could not be happier!

In February I was ready to learn a lot of ICTs and now that it is May and this subject (and the whole masters) is over, I know so many things that I need to organise them. Therefore, I created this amazing mindmap to organise everything I learnt. I used Coggle as it was my favourite resource of the whole subject. I have included all the resources we have used, an example of my work and some relevant ideas of each one.

The first ones that deserve appreciation are my classmates. I learned a lot from their posts and this masters wouldn't have been the same without them. The idea of creating a learning diary in the shape of a blog facilitated this task, as I was able to engage with my classmates. Moreover, having to create a Twitter account will help me keep in contact with them and their discoveries for life!

Lastly, I would like to thank Francisco for his amazing teaching style: facilitating our learning and acting as a guidance. YOU ARE AN AMAZING TEACHER! This is his Twitter account, I highly reccomend following him.

Don't forget I'll keep on posting theacher-related things in my blog and my Twitter!

 Visit my blog

7.2 Record your video clip

This is the second part of the previous post. It was created with Aurora's Learning AdventureNurinu Teacher and It's Pateacher Corner. In this case, the video is complete and ready to be watched!

Right below you can find the final result: a short video to explain Fridays For Future. We encourage you to use it in your class, specially on Fridays!

Critical questions and problems encountered

While recording, we did not encounter any huge difficulties, as our script had been previously designed and we knew what we had to say and how we wanted to record it. The storyboard served as an amazing starting point to look for the best angles and framing.

The hardest part was to put everything together. We used two apps: Videopad and Filmora. Videopad was used for cutting and pasting the scenes together, while Filmora helped to add effects, words and icons.


I had worked with Videopad before but Filmora was new for me. Luckily enough, one of our classmates was proficient using it, so she explained us how to use it. Sadly, it is not free, so we all had to work with one computer. 

Videopad was included in our university account, so it was easy to download and use it again. However, I had to learn again how to use it, as it had been years since the last time.

Uses or connections

Educational videos provide a very interesting approach for teaching, as they provide a direct link with the ICTs. They can be used for revising a topic, to introduce it or as part of a flipped lesson. Furthermore, the teacher is not the only one that can do it. When given the proper scaffolding, students can create their own videos too!


  • Filmora offers a lot of options like music, effects, transitions, banners...
  • Videopad was just used for the basics, nothing to complain about it. It served its purpose.

  • Filmora is not free. It was painful seeing so many opportunities without being able to use them on my own works.
  • To use Filmora, you have to be very careful while editing, as you work in layers.

See you in my last post!

Wednesday, 5 May 2021

7.1 Storyboard a video project


 Today's post is very special, because it is collaborative! It was created with Aurora's Learning Adventure, Nurinu Teacher and It's Pateacher Corner. The task was to create an educational video.

Here you can find the script we created and the information we used in a Google Docs. Moreover, you can see the storyboard we designed as the basis for our videos with Canva

Story Board - YouTube video

Critical questions and problems encountered

The first issue we encountered was choosing a topic. We chose for Fridays For Future, as it is a trending issue, and started looking for information. Related to the format, we went for a Youtube video where the owner of the channel introduces a topic and moderates a debate between experts. 

The hardest part was to create the dialogue. Our goal was to create a short video to be used in a flipped classroom, not taking much time from students. At the same time, we tried to condense the most important information, using vocabulary adapted to the students’ level, but adding interesting words too. In our storyboard we added the effects we wanted to include. 


I was not aware that Canva had templates for storyboards. It seems that have templates for everything! That facilitated the task as we were already used to work with ir. Plus, it is collaborative, so it saved us a lot of time. 

* The uses and connections, pros, cons and Martyrating of Canva are detailed in this post*

Stay tuned for the final result! We hope you like it.