Thursday, 25 February 2021


Hello, fellow learners! In this post I’d like to explain the purpose of this learning journal and how it will be organised.

This blog is a task assigned by my master’s degree teacher. The idea is that each one of us creates a learning journal and shares it with our peers, showing them our progress, ideas and learning together by commenting on each other’s posts. 

I will dedicate a post for each task, website, tool or resource we learn about. Apart from showing the final product I made with the tool, I will also reflect upon the following points: (this also is a reminder for myself, as I tend to be pretty forgetful πŸ˜…)
  • Critical questions and problems encountered: different questions or problems that arose while using this tool.
  • Discoveries: cool features or things I simply didn’t know
  • Uses or connections: ideas to use this resource in my life, as a teacher or as a regular citizen. 
  • Martyrating: my personal rating of the resource, ranging from πŸŒ™ (which is terrible) to πŸŒ™πŸŒ™πŸŒ™πŸŒ™πŸŒ™ (which is terrific).
  • Pros and cons: this part is obvious, no need for an explanation πŸ˜‚


  1. Nice post! You seem to have everything well organized, that's great!

  2. Thanks! I'll try to keep those features for most of my posts, specially the ones about apps or webs.
