Thursday, 25 February 2021

Get to know me

Hi! This is me! 

My name is Marta, though I really like when people call me Marty, so feel free to address me that way! I am currently working as a teacher in a charter school in Madrid. I got this job because of the pandemic, this had to have something positive 😬. 

I love teaching in the most untraditional way, but because of the school I am working at I have to be very creative and combine the use of textbooks and a traditional classroom layout with my own ideas. 

At the beginning of this year I created a blog with fun resources I created, ideas and so on. Feel free to follow me πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰

My goal is to be that kind of teacher who is ALWAYS learning how to be better at listening, explaining, motivating, teaching, educating, understanding... You know, typical teacher daily-life skills. 


Hello, fellow learners! In this post I’d like to explain the purpose of this learning journal and how it will be organised.

This blog is a task assigned by my master’s degree teacher. The idea is that each one of us creates a learning journal and shares it with our peers, showing them our progress, ideas and learning together by commenting on each other’s posts. 

I will dedicate a post for each task, website, tool or resource we learn about. Apart from showing the final product I made with the tool, I will also reflect upon the following points: (this also is a reminder for myself, as I tend to be pretty forgetful πŸ˜…)
  • Critical questions and problems encountered: different questions or problems that arose while using this tool.
  • Discoveries: cool features or things I simply didn’t know
  • Uses or connections: ideas to use this resource in my life, as a teacher or as a regular citizen. 
  • Martyrating: my personal rating of the resource, ranging from πŸŒ™ (which is terrible) to πŸŒ™πŸŒ™πŸŒ™πŸŒ™πŸŒ™ (which is terrific).
  • Pros and cons: this part is obvious, no need for an explanation πŸ˜‚